What is Claw Machine Master?
About postage fees
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Specified Commercial Transactions Law
  • About account

    I'd like to change the membership information.
    Please edit registered information from edit your account on your my-page. Once your done, please press finish to update your information.
    Issues of handing over your data to new device.
    You can hand your previous registration information over by logging in with your registered email address and password.

    How to hand over data to your new device.
    • Before going on to your new device, please set email address and password with your previous device.
    • Log in with your new device using the email address and password you have set in your previous device.

    Please contact us if you haven't set your email address and password in advace and changed to a new device.
    When you contact us, please provide many informations as you can so that we could proceed solving the problem easily.
    Issues of receiving authentication email from us.
    When you have an issue receiving authentication email, please check the following content.
    • Confirm whether you have typed in your email address prperly.
    • Confirm whether the email has received in spam folder.
    If you still have an issue logging in, please try again with below.
    Please set the domain to claw.jp and register again.
    Issues of receiving authentication email when registering your shipping address.(icloud).
    In case of iCloud, they can't receive email from us.
    Please try again from other email address. We are very sorry for your inconvenience.

    Using the carrier email address and setting domain 『claw.jp』, you can certainly receive our emails.
    Issues of registering email address when applying your shipping address. Displayed error.
    There might be a charaters you cannot apply in your email address.
    An example is given in the following. Please check and try again.
    • Including ems.
    • Including space.
    • No @ marks.
    • _(under bar) is included in the head of email address.
    • Including . (Dots) continuously like .. Before the @ mark.
    Issues logging in to your account.
    When you can't log in to your account, please check following contents.

    • Incorrect email address or password.
      The email address and password are classifyed and recognized by letters, numbers, uppercase, lowercase, ems, half sized. Please check whether the Cap lock isn't on on your device.
      It's input to texts once and that there is no making a mistake is confirmed and it's copied, and it's possible to do paste by an input page.
    • In case of password lost or forgot.
      When you forgot your password, please proceed to password reset to login.
    • Issues of gathered browser cache.
      It might improve by deleting browser and device history and clearing cache. It might also improve by restarting your device.

    If you still have a problem logging in, please contact us with registration information and shipping information you have.
    About Password reset.
    If using the website, the following steps will let you retrieve your password.
    • Select the “login button”
    • Select “Forgot password”
    • Enter your registered email address and click “resend password”
    • Your password will be sent to the above email address.
    That’s all.

    You may perform a reset by editing your account on your personal homepage.
    Changing the claw machine model will overwrite your saved progress and create a new profile.
    If you mistakenly create a new profile while changing models, you can still modify the data with the data from your previous account.

    Please send us as much as you can remember from the following information from your previous account using the inquiry form.
    • Nickname
    • Date and time of registration
    • Registration platform (iOS app, Android app, website)
    • If you have provided your shipping address, please provide your name, address, and mobile number
    Creating a new account using an email address that has already been registered
    A registered email address cannot be used to create a new account.

    If you have lost your password, you can login by resending the password to your email address.
    Creating multiple accounts
    In principle each user shall only possess one account.

    If you have created multiple accounts by mistake, the following steps will allow you to combine said accounts.
    • Select “my page”
    • Select “edit account”
    • Select “create/edit prize delivery address”
    • Fill in each field and select “modify content”
    • Follow the steps in “account integration”
    These steps will allow you to integrate your accounts.

    Please be aware that creation of multiple accounts by a single user and/or intentional creation of multiple accounts are considered a violation of the terms of service. Please refer to the terms of service for details.
    How to cancel your account
    The entire account information for canceled accounts will be deleted. The account information will not be recoverable.
    Please take note of the above before proceeding to cancel your account.

    • Rights to earned prizes will be forfeited, and delivery for prizes in the process of being delivered will not be guaranteed.
    • All points earned will be forfeited. We will not provide any refunds.

    To cancel your account, select “cancel account” at the lowermost part of the menu screen, and follow the steps to apply for account cancellation.
  • Gameplay related

    Tutorial play
    Upon registration you will receive 5 free play tickets which allow you to play all games for free up to 5 times. (as of April 1 2018)

    ※ Does not apply if the app is reinstalled after being installed for the first time.
    ※After using up the free play tickets, you can buy points.
    ※This incentive has been introduced for new users to improve your playing experience.
    ※Abuse of this incentive by creating multiple accounts is prohibited by the terms of service and will be treated seriously. Such accounts may be suspended upon discovery.
    Turns are not refreshing
    If other users are already playing, you will need to click the book button. While you can play when it is your turn, after obtaining the right to play, please note that your right to play will be forfeited after a certain amount of time has passed. Also, please note that your ownership of the machine will be forfeited if you navigate away from the page.
    I cannot click the book button
    When booking a slot to play, you will need either a free play ticket or the play points required for that particular claw machine.
    If you have insufficient points, please recharge and ensure that you have sufficient points before processing to book a play slot.
    Also, we have placed a limit on the number of prizes that may be won from some of the popular machines. You may purchase priority booking with points.
    The arm is shaking
    We apologize for the inconvenience. The arm may shake or vibrate momentarily depending on the state of play of the claw machine. Rest assured that this will not affect play.
    The initial position of the claw is weird
    We apologize for the inconvenience. The initial position of the claw will vary depending on the make of the claw machine, prizes, and field settings.

    Should you find the initial position of the claw to be weird, we would greatly appreciate it if you could contact us using the feedback form.
    The prizes cannot be picked up/are hard to pick up
    The number of points available and the difficulty of securing a prize will vary depending on the type of claw machine, the size, shape, weight, and center of gravity of the prize.
    We suggest referring to videos posted on the official Claw Machine Master Youtube account and videos uploaded by Youtubers on the Claw Machine app, as well as videos of previous successful attempts and strategies employed by other users.

    ※When setting up prizes and the claw machine, the operations team will only open the machine to the public after verifying that a successful attempt will result after a certain number of tries.
    I want some help securing a prize
    On principle, we cannot offer any assistance that would allow you to secure a prize more easily.
    There are no prizes in the claw machine
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please write down the prize name of the corresponding claw machine and contact us via the feedback form.
    I started playing before I realized that there are no prizes
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please note that we are unable to refill prizes if you have already started playing.

    Please ensure that the claw machine is stocked with prizes before commencing play.
    I want to replace or reposition the prizes
    Operations staff will change the initial position of the arm when it is clear that play cannot occur (e.g. when the arm is positioned such that it cannot reach any of the prizes).
    Please record the prize name or model name of the corresponding claw machine and contact us via the feedback form.

    Repositioning, replacement, and replenishment of prizes will be performed by operations staff when they are on their rounds.
    Please note that there will be no replacement or repositioning of prizes in any other situation.
    I want to know the points required for gameplay
    The points required for each game are individually displayed on prizes or on the game screen. Please verify the points.

    When using the free play ticket, all claw machines may be played free of charge.
    I want to play continuously
    The“start game”will be displayed when play ends. Press the “start game”button to continue playing.
    I ran out of points while playing
    You can add points while playing, but if you have run out of time you will lose your ownership of the machine and the player next in line will be eligible to play.

    In rare cases it may take some time after purchasing additional points for the additional points to be reflected in-game. We recommend that you ensure that your account contains sufficient points before commencing gameplay.
    I want to know the maximum play time
    I want to know the time limit.
    You have 30 seconds to operate the buttons of the claw machine.
    Once gameplay is over you have the option to continue play, however you will need to press “start game” within 30 seconds.
    Once 30 seconds have passed the next user in line will be eligible to play.

    Do note that should you have insufficient points, your turn may pass to the next player while you are purchasing additional points as the purchasing process takes time. We recommend that you ensure that your account contains sufficient points before commencing gameplay.
    In the event of unresolvable issues
    We apologize for the inconvenience. For issues that cannot be resolved by the answers given in this FAQ, using the feedback form, please provide a video of gameplay during the time of malfunction and also record the following details
    • the Internet connection at the time of play (e.g. home Wi-Fi optical fiber connection or mobile carrier 4G connection)
    • device used
    • OS version
    • browser version (Web version) or app version
    • detailed description of the issue

    We or the system will replenish any points used in a particular gameplay determined to be affected by an issue of the claw machine.
    Camera issues
    Should the camera be non-operational, have poor image quality, or cause any impediment to gameplay, please record the machine number and contact us via the feedback form.
    The camera is not capturing any images
    We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try the following steps to rectify the issue.
    • Update your browser to the latest version
    • Update your OS to the latest version
    • Restart your device

    If the issue continues to persist, we would greatly appreciate if it you could share with us details of the following.
    • the Internet connection at the time of play (e.g. home Wi-Fi optical fiber connection or mobile carrier 4G connection)
    • device used
    • OS version
    • browser version (Web version) or app version
    During gameplay there was a time lag when operating buttons
    Please refrain from gameplay in Internet connection and device conditions that do not fulfill the recommended playing conditions.
    Further, the time lag experienced may differ from player to player. Please note that we will not be refunding points under any circumstances due to the nature of the online claw machine service.
    The app crashed
    Please try the following if your app crashes.

    • Restart the app.
    • Clear the cache.
    • Close all other applications or browser(s) that are currently running.
    • Restart your mobile device.
    • Play with a stabilized Internet connection.

    Should the issue persist after following the above steps, please contact us and provide details on the device used and OS version.
    Operating environment
    For optimal gameplay, please play Claw Machine Master under the following conditions.

    ・Stable Wi-Fi or optical fiber connection
    ・Please use a stable Internet connection as the claw machine will be operated and live video will be streamed in real-time.

    ・Recommended OS: Android 5.0 and above

    ・Recommended OS:iOS 11.0 and above

    [Smartphone-based web browser]
    ・Please enable JavaScript and cookies.

    ・Recommended OS: Android 5.0 and above
    ・Recommended browser:Latest version of Google Chrome

    ・Recommended OS:iOS 11.0 and above
    ・Recommended browser: Latest version of Mobile Safari

    【PC-based web browser】
    ・Recommended browser: Latest version of Internet Explorer or Google Chrome
    ・Please enable JavaScript and cookies.
    The prize is stuck in the arm or claw
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused. A prize stuck in the arm or claw and that cannot be dropped is considered to have been won by the player.

    Please note that we are unable to restock prizes if you continue gameplay in the above situation or if you start a new game.
    The prize is stuck in the receptacle
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused. A prize stuck in the receptacle is considered to have been won by the player.

    Please note that we are unable to restock prizes if you continue gameplay in the above situation or if you start a new game.
    I won a prize but the reward screen is not showing
    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. Sensors determine if a successful attempt has been made, and while a successful attempt will be reflected on the player screen, there may be situations where a successful attempt is not recognized due to the type and shape of the prize.
    While the operations staff will visually confirm if a successful attempt has been made, please note that this process will take some time.

    Also, once an attempt has been deemed successful the prize will automatically show up in your cart; please wait a few moments before verifying your cart status.
    I cannot catch ping pong balls on the claw machines with ping pong balls
    We do not guarantee that ping pong balls can be caught. Please note that this is all part of the game.
    Continuous play on free-to-play machines (practice machines)
    Each player is entitled to 3 turns at a free-to-play machines, after other players will become eligible to play.
    Please note that players who ignore the above, and hog the machines and inconvenience other players may have their membership revoked.

    We appreciate your cooperation to ensure an enjoyable playing experience for all players.
    Reward screen
    The reward screen is provided for your reference to improve your strategy and to provide hints. The previous settings and previous prizes may still show on the reward screen immediately after setting up new machines and immediately after exchanging prizes
    Also, please note that we do not guarantee that you will win a prize when playing on our machines.

    There are ways to win a prize besides the methods shown in strategy videos. We hope that you enjoy yourselves by discovering different ways of capturing a prize.

    ※Prizes shown in the successful capture videos may not have an initial position shown. There are many situations where the prize is moved from its initial position to a subsequent position that enables easy capture.
    How can I accumulate experience points?
    You can earn experience points by playing games and logging into apps.
    I want to know the experience required to reach the next level
    You can check the required experience value from the level table on the MY page.
    Also, you can check the current experience value in the experience value bar at the top of the app.
    What happens when you level up?
    After reaching a certain number of levels, you will receive a free play ticket.
    For details, please check the level table on MY page.
    I want to know the conditions for obtaining the title
    You can check the conditions for obtaining the title by selecting Unacquired from the title icon on the MY page.
    I want to know how to register as a freebie favorite
    By tapping the ☆ mark at the bottom left of the prize image in the prize list, you can add it to your favorites.
    I want to delete a prize from my Favorites
    Tap the ☆ mark on the prize image and when the ☆ color disappears, it will be removed from your favorites.
    I want to see a list of prizes registered as favorites
    If you select the ★ mark at the top of the TOP screen, a list of favorites will be displayed.
    Prizes registered as favorites are no longer displayed
    It may be deleted from your favorites due to circumstances such as the prize being sold out.
    I want to hide my nickname on the game screen.
    It will be hidden by turning off profile public from editing my page.
    I want to turn off the display of messages and stickers that appear when playing
    You can hide it by turning off the 💭 (balloon) mark at the bottom right of the game screen.
    I want to send a message to the user who is playing the game.
    By tapping ▼ in the cheering message part of the game screen, you can select and send a cheering message or stamp.
    How do I get the reward free play ticket?
    You can get a ticket by clearing all the missions on the card.
    I want to check the achievement status of the stamp rally.
    You can check it from "Stamp Rally" by scrolling horizontally at the top of MY page.
    I want to know the usage history of points and play tickets.
    You can check your point/ticket usage history on My page.
    I want to turn off the in-game BGM
    BGM will not be played by turning off the display of the ♪ mark at the bottom right of the game screen.
    I want to stop receiving emails when I level up or acquire titles.
    If you turn off the notification mail item from the edit of My Page, the sending of the mail will stop.
  • Points

    What are points?
    Points are in-game currency used when playing the claw machine game and for delivery.
    To earn points you will need to login after completing registration.
    You can obtain points by purchasing them. Points can also be obtained via login bonuses and various events.
    What is a free-to-play ticket?
    A free-to-play ticket entitles the player to one free game per ticket.
    Tickets are valid for a limited period of time and may only be obtained during certain periods of time. Please note that once its validity has lapsed a ticket is automatically voided.
    Please verify the number of and validity tickets in your user page.
    What is a free delivery ticket?

    A Free Shipping Ticket is a ticket that makes shipping free of charge (one time per ticket).

    【 Timing for Distribution of Free Shipping Tickets 】

    ■ For shipping destinations in Japan

    • Instant distribution at the time of the first-time point purchase
    • Instant distribution at the time of point purchase with payment of 3,000 yen or more, when one week or longer has passed since the use of a Free Shipping Ticket
    • Distribution at 5:00 a.m. 7 days after the date of use of the previous Free Shipping Ticket, when a point purchase has been made with payment of 3,000 yen or more within one week of the use of the free shipping ticket
    • Distribution at 5:00 a.m. one week after the date of receiving the first prize (one time only)

    Example of distribution

    1st day: Use of Free Shipping Ticket

    3rd day: Purchase of points with payment of 3,000 yen or more

    8th day: Distribution of Free Shipping Ticket (distributed at 5:00 a.m.)

    • After use of the Free Shipping Ticket on the 1st day, until 4:59 a.m. on the 8th day, no matter when or how many times point purchases with payment of 3,000 yen or more are made, distribution will be made one time at 5:00 on the 8th day.
    • If no purchase is made after the 1st day but a point purchase with payment of 3,000 yen or more is made after 5:00 on the 8th day, 7 days will have passed since the starting date, so distribution will occur immediately.

    In addition, if conditions 2 and 3 above are met after this point, distribution of Free Shipping Tickets can be received any number of times.

    • If distribution per 1 above is received before 4 above, distribution per 4 cannot be received.
    • Two or more Free Shipping Tickets cannot be held at the same time.
    • For conditions 2 and 3 above, point purchases of 3,000 yen or more with a single payment are eligible.
    • Cumulative purchases of 3,000 or more (such as 1,000 yen x 3 times = 3,000 yen) are not eligible for distribution.

    For shipping destinations outside Japan

    • Instant distribution at the time of the first-time point purchase
    • Instant distribution at the time of point purchase with payment of 5,000 yen or more, when one week or longer has passed since the use of a Free Shipping Ticket
    • Distribution at 5:00 a.m. 7 days after the date of use of the previous Free Shipping Ticket, when a point purchase has been made with payment of 5,000 yen or more within one week of the use of the free shipping ticket

    Example of distribution

    1st day: Use of Free Shipping Ticket

    3rd day: Purchase of points with payment of 5,000 yen or more

    8th day: Distribution of Free Shipping Ticket (distributed at 5:00 a.m.)

    • After use of the Free Shipping Ticket on the 1st day, until 4:59 a.m. on the 8th day, no matter when or how many times point purchases with payment of 5,000 yen or more are made, distribution will be made one time at 5:00 on the 8th day.
    • If no purchase is made after the 1st day but a point purchase with payment of 5,000 yen or more is made after 5:00 on the 8th day, 7 days will have passed since the starting date, so distribution will occur immediately.

    In addition, if conditions 2 and 3 above are met after this point, distribution of Free Shipping Tickets can be received any number of times.

    • Two or more Free Shipping Tickets cannot be held at the same time.
    • For conditions 2 and 3 above, point purchases of 5,000 yen or more with a single payment are eligible.
    • Cumulative purchases of 5,000 or more (such as 3,000 yen x 2 times = 6,000 yen) are not eligible for distribution.
    • Times refer to times in Japan's time zone.

    If a Free Shipping Ticket is not held, shipping can be requested at the fees below.


    In Japan1,000 points

    Click here for shipping fee details for destinations other than Japan
    • Shipping can be requested with any number of units grouped at once.
    • Up to 1 Free Shipping Ticket may be held. Holding multiple tickets or repeated use is not possible.
    • Singular shipment is not available for some prizes. Singular shipment is not available for prizes for which shipping cannot be requested for 1 item. Please request shipping of 2 or more of the same prize, or request shipment together with other prizes. Determination of prizes for which singular shipment is not possible are as listed in the prize description field.

    Note: The storage period for prizes is 14 days. Please be aware that rights to prizes will lapse when the period has passed.

    Payment methods
    You may choose to pay using credit card, paypal and other payment methods. Please refer to the payments page for details.
    • Points are priced according to payment method. Paying via credit card will give you a cheaper rate enabling a more value-added playing experience for you.
    • We recommended buying all the points you need in one go in order to receive free points.
    • Discounts and points increases may occur during promotions. Please verify details by referring to the promotion homepage during the promotion period.
    Points validity
    Points will be valid for 180 days from the date of purchase. Please note that points that remain unused during the validity period will be canceled by default.

    Points given out for free during login bonuses, various events, and promotions will be valid for 180 days from the date of receipt. Points that remain unused during the validity period will also be canceled by default.

    If you have both points obtained by purchas,e as well as points given out for free, the latter will be prioritized during spending.
    Purchased points are not reflected
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused. When making payment via an unstable network environment and PC or on a mobile device on which other apps are running, some time will pass before the necessary changes are reflected; payment errors may also occur.

    Should any payment-related errors occur, we greatly appreciate if you could contact us via the feedback form and provide the following information.
    ・payment date
    ・payment method
    ・payment amount
    ・payment number

    ※Ensuring sufficient points in your account prior to commencing gameplay will make for a better play experience.
    Refunds for purchased points
    We are unable to refund any points that have been purchased, whatever the reason. Please refer to the terms of service for details.
    I already registered but have not received a free-to-play ticket
    After registering for the first time you will receive tickets by default.
    You will not be able to receive tickets if you reinstall the app on a device with a previous installation of the app.

    Also, please take note that intentional reinstallation and repeated multiple installations are considered a violation of the terms of service.
  • Delivery

    What is the delivery process
    • Win the desired prize
    • Provide all required information during registration (full name, postal code, address, email address, phone number)
      enter all the requirements above.
    • Verification of email address
      Click on the URL sent to your email
    • Completing steps 2 and 3 above will complete the delivery registration process
    • Click on the cart icon found at the bottom of the homepage for delivery requests
      Complete your delivery request by checking the boxes for the desired prizes.
    Forwarding requests
    Please request forwarding by going to the “forward prizes”section and selecting the prizes to be forwarded. The “forward prizes”section is the cart icon on the bottom of the screen. You are required to provide the forwarding information prior to sending in a forwarding request.
    I want to consolidate all my prizes into a single delivery
    You may request a single delivery of multiple prizes that you have won and that are in your cart. Please tick all the prizes that you would like to be delivered.
    Approximate delivery times
    Delivery time will vary by country and will take 1 month to 3 months.
    Please note that delivery may be delayed during long holidays, in the event of natural disasters, and due to the courier.
    Re-delivery of prizes
    We do not redeliver prizes.
    Should your prize(s) fail to be delivered and are returned, you will forfeit your right to the prize. Please take note of the following.
    • Please ensure that delivery address and information is complete.
    • Please request delivery after taking note of the approximate delivery times for your area.
    • Please check if the courier left a missed delivery ticket.
    As of August 1, 2024, we have revised our shipping methods to improve service quality.

    ■ Domestic Shipping (within Japan)
    ・Prizes shipped from our warehouse will be delivered by Japan Post.
    ・Store-direct prizes and some large-sized prizes may be delivered by Yamato Transport or Sagawa Express.

    ■ International Shipping (outside Japan)
    ・We ship internationally by Japan Post's seamail.
    ・For faster delivery, you can choose EMS shipping by using your points.

    Once your order has been shipped, we will send you an email with the tracking number.
    You can track your package on the respective carrier's website using the tracking number provided in the email.

    *Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests for specific delivery dates or carriers.
    *If you have any questions about shipping or if you have not received your prize, please contact us through the in-game "Inquiries" function.
    I did not receive the tracking code via email
    The tracking number will be sent to the e-mail address registered in the “Shipping Information” section.
    If you do not receive an e-mail with your tracking number, please check the following

    (1) Please check your spam folder, as it may have been sorted into it.
    (2) Please make sure that the following address is designated as a domain name.

    If you are still having trouble receiving our e-mails after checking the above, please contact us each time.
    We will provide you with an individual number.
    Delivery fee list
    Delivery time will vary by country and will take 1 month to 3 months.
    Please note that delivery may be delayed due to international events, natural disasters, and due to the courier.
    Setting delivery date
    Customers are unable to set the delivery date at the moment.
    I want different prizes to be delivered to different addresses
    We can only deliver to the registered delivery address shown on your personal homepage. You may change the delivery address in the “edit account” page, under the delivery address for prizes.
    The delivery address is incorrect
    If you have registered an incorrect delivery address by mistake, please provide the correct delivery address and contact us via the feedback form.
    We may not be able to suspend delivery if we hear from you a few days after the delivery has been dispatched. Please note that you will need to request for a redelivery in this case.

    ※You may edit any of your registered information in the “edit account” section of your personal homepage.
    I want to consolidate delivery of prizes I have won after requesting for a previous delivery
    Prizes may be already shipped after a dispatch request has been received, so we cannot consolidate delivery of any additional prizes in this case. Please make a new delivery request.
    The delivered prize is different from what I won
    Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused.

    Should the wrong prize be delivered, or should the number of prizes delivered be insufficient, please verify the delivery details with the operations team. We appreciate your cooperation in sending us the feedback form together with photos of the received prizes.

    Please note we will return the points you have used on the machine.

    Please contact us via the feedback form for prizes not reflected in the waybill or if prizes that were not won were delivered.
    Tracking code
    Once we start preparing for shipment, we will send a tracking number to your registered e-mail address.
    Using the tracking number, you can check the delivery status on the Japan Post website.

    ※Please note that it may take a few hours for the delivery status to be reflected.
    ※If a prize with “◇” in the prize name is included, it may take up to two weeks for the shipping status to be reflected. Or, it will be shipped by a different delivery service.

    For inquiries regarding shipping, please contact us using the CREMAS Inquiry Form.
    Canceling your membership after making a request for delivery
    You may cancel your membership after making a delivery request.
    Once canceled, your account information will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
    In the event that a delivered prize is returned to us, please note that we will not be able to process redelivery.
    I have multiple accounts and have not received prizes won for each individual account
    The terms of service prohibit a single user from creating multiple accounts.
    When the operations team ascertains that prizes won from multiple accounts belong to a single user, the user will forfeit his or her rights to the prizes and said prizes will not be delivered.

    Please contact us via the feedback form if you have created multiple accounts by mistake.
    Caution for customs and import duty.
    Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer’s responsibility.
    Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.
    These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
  • Prizes

    Restocking of new prizes
    Please view the expected restocking timings of certain new prizes under the homepage banner “restocking of new prizes”.
    We cannot entertain individual enquiries for prizes not disclosed above.

    Please check the website as new prizes are restocked daily.
    Please note that popular prizes may be sold out and be out of stock within a few hours.
    Requests for prizes
    Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused, but we cannot entertain individual requests for prizes.
    Please view the expected restocking timings of certain new prizes under the homepage banner “restocking of new prizes”.
    I want to play for the prize that I want on a machine with different settings
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused, however you will not be able to play for said prize on a machine with different settings.
    The operations team will change the machine settings when restocking prizes and will move any remaining prizes to different machines. Please check the machines regularly for the location of your desired prize.
    My prize is not working out-of-the-box
    Battery-operated devices may not be operating due to insufficient remaining charge in the supplied batteries or because batteries are not included. Please purchase new batteries before use.

    Should the device still fail to operate after changing the batteries, we appreciate your cooperation in directly contacting the manufacturer listed on the packaging.
  • Promotions and events

    I want to know more about Claw Machine Master events
    Please check the official Claw Machine Master Twitter account for event and promotional information.

    Official Claw Machine Master instagaram.
    Login bonuses
    You may receive login bonuses free-of-charge 3 times a day.
    You will receive login bonuses when you login at the following times:
    0:00~ 7:59

    ※After your initial points purchase, the login bonus for the next login will increase!

    Have fun logging in at different times as the number of points will be different depending on the login time, gameplay, number of days played, date and time of play.
    Please note that players who do not login during the times specified above will not receive any login bonuses.
    What is the “Go!Go! Points Gift Promotion”?
    This is a promotion where players who purchase points on that day are randomly chosen.
    The chosen player will receive 555 points; we will provide further information to the lucky winners on an individual basis.

    Purchasing more than JPY 3000 worth of points in total increases your chances of winning!
    Claw Machine Master recommends that you have sufficient points in your account before commencing gameplay.
    What is the Claw Machine Master Cup?
    A scoreboard event where players with the title of Claw Machine Master can take part and battle among themselves.

    Rankings will be based on the number of prizes won during the event period.

    [Event period]
    Please check from the event page.
    During the event the homepage will display a banner.

    [Event rewards]
    ・Top-ranked players will receive certificates and points
    ・Kiribanjo (players with randomly chosen even-numbered ranks) is points

    [Release of rankings]
    Rankings are tabulated on an ongoing basis and will be released via in-game notifications and on the official Claw Machine Master Twitter account.
    ※Player nicknames will be posted.
    ※As multiple players may have the same nickname, players who wish to understand the rankings and players who are concerned about this issue may consider adding original elements such as numbers or symbols to their nicknames.

    [Event reward giveaway]

    What is the Claw Machine Master Rare Play Good Play event?
    An event to determine so-called rare play and good play video award.

    ・Bang! One-shot catch! Well done!
    ・This is just hilarious
    ・Perfect! Awesome catch
    ・This works? Seriously?

    To participate
    Just share your play video on Twitter!

    ■ Rare play award
    ■ Good play award

    Players who win the above awards
    Will receive limited-edition Claw Machine Master certificates and merchandise!

    Points will be awarded to randomly chosen participants as reward for participation. We will contact the lucky winners personally!

    Please use the following suggested hashtags for your videos!
    Please feedback on SNS with above hashtags!

    [Event period]
    Please check from the event page.
    During the event the homepage will display a banner.

    Winners of the awards will be decided by the Rare Play Good Play Video Award Committee. Results will be announced on the official Claw Machine Master Twitter(@C_G_M_OFFICIAL).
    We eagerly await your comments and follows.

    ※Please note that winners’ nicknames and Twitter IDs will be posted.
  • Others

    Operating hours
    We operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even on public holidays. You can play Claw Machine Master whenever you want.
    Customer service operating hours
    Customer service operating hours are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays. Customer enquiries will be processed in sequence; investigation and time may be required depending on the nature of your enquiry. Please note that replies may be delayed during long holidays and other peak periods.
    Other enquiries
    Please contact us via the feedback form if you have any issues not resolved by this FAQ or any other questions or concerns.
    Telephone enquiries
    We do not offer customer service via telephone. Depending on the nature of the enquiry, we may need to verify and investigate your game play data which may take some time. Please use the below feedback form to contact us.
    I don’t know how to attach videos when submitting an enquiry
    Attach a video as follows.
    Homepage → Upper-right hamburger menu (3rd choice) → Menu → Select “feedback form” from the list → Play-related enquiries → Select video → Send content

    You may send us a play video using the steps outlined above,

    I don’t know how to upgrade my app to the latest version
    When updating your app, you may use the below links to connect to the relevant application store page to upgrade your app to the latest version.
    Click the “update”or “renew” buttons to update.

    We suggest using the latest version of the app in order to experience new functions, less memory consumption, bugfixes, and UI improvements, which combine to give you a better user experience.

    Can I share play videos on social media?
    We share videos on social media so that your family and friends can share in the fun and excitement you experience when playing Claw Machine Master.

    You may freely share such videos on social media.

    I created multiple accounts by mistake
    Please send us all registered account information using the feedback form
    • Nickname
    • Date and time of registration
    • Registration platform (iOS app, Android app, website)
    • If you have provided your shipping address, please provide your name, address, and mobile number

    The operations team will conduct daily patrols to monitor for any questionable behavior.
    Registration of multiple accounts is a violation of the terms of service and will result in forfeiture and suspension of delivery of prizes that have already been won or even in account termination. Please use the feedback form to report yourself if you have created multiple accounts in error.

    Notification on preventing questionable behavior
    In this game, the operations team will conduct daily patrols to monitor for any questionable behavior in order to preserve fair play and a pleasant playing environment for all customers.

    The terms of service stipulate “questionable behavior” and “violation of the terms of service” to be the following: registration of multiple accounts, exploiting bugs in the program, unauthorized handling and modification of program data, using external tools to influence the game, and transferring a personal account to another person.

    Accounts exhibiting “questionable behavior” will be dealt with strictly; such accounts will be terminated or deleted. Even if prizes have been won by said account(s) when said accounts are determined by the operations team to have exhibited “questionable behavior”, said prizes will be forfeited and delivery will not proceed.

    We will not disclose details of what is considered questionable behavior and specific methods of doing so, in the interest of controlling such behavior and to prevent countermeasures being taken against policing of such behavior.
    We appreciate your understanding in this matter as we strive to perform investigations and take appropriate steps to ensure a pleasant playing experience for all players.



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